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Another Sunday afternoon project with my son. Of course, as possibly every 4 years old, he loves to act out as fireman and policeman. After a hospital visit we gave him a set of handcuffs but of course nog true policeman is complete without it’s own gun. So we spend some time in the shop and made our own.

The body is made of 18 x 44 mm pinewood leftovers. The top part is circa 150 mm long, the hand grip is ~90 mm. The two parts are just glued together with ordinary PVA wood glue. The body was painted grey with some cheap spray paint. The trigger handle was made from a saddle clip used to mount a PVC tube to the wall. All in all it took us 1 hour or so to assemble and we had some good fun along the way.

I have been held at gun point and arrested countless time by a very brave police officer 🙂

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