Sweep control oscillator

The purpose of this device is to help you sweep an audio or rf filter. It outputs a 0..10V sawtooth that can be used to control a sinus/ function generator or an rf generator. Together with a CRO oscilloscope, a millivolt meter and or power meter this can be used to accurately characterize a […]

LCR bridge



The usage of inductors in RF circuits is often intrinsic to its operation. Unfortunately, the measurement of small values of inductance is often difficult without specialized equipment. If, you have the ability to measure frequency, either directly with a frequency counter or indirect with an oscilloscope, this burden can easily be overcome.


GDO circuits bonanza !

The Gate Dip Oscillator (GDO) is one of the most useful tools for the radio amateur. You can use it to tune LC circuits, as test RF source, check antennas, etc. This GDO circuits bonanza features many previously unpublished GDO circuits from (primarily) Dutch magazines and books.

Bouwen en luisteren – IAN R. SINCLAIR

This […]