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Multiple Feedback Band-Pass filter

Band-pass filters are filters that are designed to let only a certain set of frequencies pass through. Overtime a myriad of different topologies have been developed by some very creative designers. Passive vs active, RC-filters vs LC filters, combinations of low pass and high pass filters, with gain and without gain, etc. One of […]

40m DC receiver (2)

After my previous attempt at building a 40m DC receiver failed (I received nothing but noise while at my Kenwood HF receiver, plenty of signals were heard), I made some changes to improve the sensitivity and to add some features that were desperately needed..


40m DC receiver (1)

The design for this receiver is based on an earlier design by Steve KD1JV. it is build around two analog switches TS5A3157. These switches have on resistance of ca. 5.5 Ohm 10 times smaller as the often used 74HCT4053 switches.


Gain distribution in DC receivers

For an upcoming 40m (7Mhz) DC receiver that I am working on, I wanted to know the necessary gain. After building the first prototype, the output was kind of quit. So the question came up, how much gain do I really need for a DC receiver? Back of the envelope calculation : to get […]