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Do-it-yourself SMT prototyping board

PA3COR SMT Prototyping board

Frequently, I need to do some SMT prototyping. Partly because some components are only available in an SMT enclosure (like the MCP4725, a nice small 12 bits DAC), partly because it needs to be small and sometimes it is Saturday 5 past 5 and the only type of a critical part available is SMT. Two weeks ago I saw on SMD shop a SMT prototyping board.

It features pads in 0.05″x0.05″ square pattern and every fourth pad is connected to the groundplane on the bottomside.
Looks quit nice, with the only drawback a price tag of 8.22€ for 100 X 80 mm board. (yes I am a skeap skate dutchie). Nowadays, you can order 10 pieces of 50 mm x 50 mm PCB for around €10 in China. So, I figured, why not design your own?

Below you see the result. the first figure is the top layer

PA3COR SMT Prototyping board - top view

The pads are laid out in a 0.05″ pattern an do have a size of 0.042″ by 0.042″. Every fourth pad there is a hole to the bottom layer. The holes are non-plated-through. If you want to connect them to ground just stick a small wire in and solder it at both ends.

And here is the bottom layer, which is usually used for ground layer.

PA3COR SMT Prototyping board - bottom view

Have fun! If you would like to receive the gerber files, let me now!

Update : you can download the Gerber files for the SMT prototyping board HERE !

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