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40m DC Receiver – CW Filter

So after studying some designs of multiple feedback band-pass filters for CW by other designers (see my previous post), I’ve decided to try my hand at designing and building one myself. Actually, I’ve made two different versions. The first one is designed by myself and is a two stage filter with an fc of […]

Soundcard Interface

Coming soon

Multiple Feedback Band-Pass filter

Band-pass filters are filters that are designed to let only a certain set of frequencies pass through. Overtime a myriad of different topologies have been developed by some very creative designers. Passive vs active, RC-filters vs LC filters, combinations of low pass and high pass filters, with gain and without gain, etc. One of […]

40m DC-receiver – What’s next?

Now that the basic receiver is working, what do I want to add to consider the receiver ‘complete’ ? This is the current set-up :

The following things I would like to add:

S-meter : shows the strength of the received signal. Based on AF signalCW filter : Multiple Feedback Band-Pass filter, 1 or […]

40m DC-receiver – VFO

So the receiver is alive and kicking and I have received amateurs from The Netherlands, UK and Italy on a simple 10m wire antenna. However, the VFO is comprised of a Siglent SDG1032X function generator from work. Hardly a self-contained solution!After an article by Bill Merea in the GQRP Sprat magazine, I’ve decided to […]